There are many reasons to modernise lifts: Safety, Reliability, Appearance and Performance, are just a few.
Classic Lifts have an extensive modernisation service for all types and makes of lift. Our initial site survey will highlight areas for improvement where we use a number of British and European Standards to assess the existing lift. These standards, along with your knowledge of your building and its needs, will help form a modernisation plan.
Modernisations can be designed to suit all budgets and can be phased to allow a staged investment.
By selecting the correct product from industry leading suppliers, we can guarantee compatibility between the old and the new. The latest drive systems not only improve ride quality but also use significantly less energy, saving you money every time you use it.

A well designed and managed modernisation project has minimum impact on building users and maximum benefit to all. Making your lift accessible to all is the right thing to do.
The correct lift modernisation will not only improve reliability but will enhance your building and will give everybody a lift.
Classic Lifts regularly work with the world’s leading lift consultants to provide lift modernisation packages to demanding environments. No contract is too large or too small, your lift is as important to us as it is to you.
Give us a call, we know about lifts.